Welcome to Google Earth Engine Video Tutorial Companion Site!
Original tutorial videos can be found here
Tutorial 1 & 2 - Getting access + The GEE Interface (Code Editor) + Programming in JavaScript
Tutorial 3 - Image and vector display + Performing image band calculations
Tutorial 4 - Compose and mosaic images
Tutorial 5 - Exploring image collections and their metadata
Tutorial 6 - Import and Export
Tutorial 7 - Image projection and reprojectiont + Image registration
Tutorial 8 - Shadow detection
Tutorial 9 - Cloud detection and removal
Tutorial 10 - Grey-level Thresholding + Level Slicing + Image Convolution
Tutorial 11 - Edge Detection/Enhancement + Pan Sharpening using HSV space + Texture Analysis
Tutorial 12 - Spectral mixture analysis + Image time series
Tutorial 13 - Unsupervised Classification + Supervised Classification
Tutorial 14 - Classification Accuracy Assessment
Tutorial 15 - Modules
Tutorial 16 - User Interface and Apps
All materials on this companion site and videos were developed by Ge (Jeff) Pu and Dr. Lindi Quackenbush at SUNY-ESF. Funding was provided by AmericaView. Any questions and suggestions related to these code are welcome and can be directed to gpu100@syr.edu.