/*Load a Landsat 8 image and select only the panchromatic band. The panchromatic band includes reflectance in the 0.503–0.676 µm wavelength range with a ground sample distance of 15 m. */// Load a Landsat 5 image and select the bands we want to unmix.varbands=['B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','B6','B7'];varimage=ee.Image('LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1/LT05_015030_20100531').select(bands);Map.setCenter(-76.1467,43.0458,12);Map.addLayer(image,{bands:['B4','B3','B2'],min:0,max:127},'image');/* Define spectral endmembers. Each number corresponds to the DN values (from 0–127) of the seven Landsat image bands. You can obtain values of endmembers by going to the Inspector tab and clicking on “pure” pixels of a selected land cover type. More endmembers can also be found in the USGS or NASA JPL spectral libraries. */varurban=[88,42,48,38,86,115,59];varveg=[64,30,20,118,74,138,22];varwater=[63,23,16,14,6,131,4];// Unmix the input image based on the provided spectral endmembers.varfractions=image.unmix([urban,veg,water]);/*Display unmixed image. In the unmixed image, the red band shows the proportion of urban cover, green shows vegetation and blue shows water based on the spectral endmember you provided earlier. When viewed as an RGB image, the color shows the proportion of each cover types e.g. cyan pixels are a mixture of water and vegetation, magenta pixels are a mixture of urban and vegetative cover. */Map.addLayer(fractions,{},'unmixed');/*With only three endmembers, then is clearly some limitation to this
unmixing e.g. based on the color shown in the RGB image, what type of
land cover are the bare fields west of Syracuse? */
Image time series analysis
// Construct a FeatureCollection for three different locations near Syracusevarpoints=ee.FeatureCollection([ee.Feature(// Syracuseee.Geometry.Point(-76.1505,43.0498),{label:'CityofSyracusedowntown'}),ee.Feature(// Clark Reservation ee.Geometry.Point(-76.0899,42.9983),{label:'ForestinClarkReservation'}),ee.Feature(// Oneida Lakeee.Geometry.Point(-75.9045,43.2007),{label:'WaterinOneidaLake'})]);Map.addLayer(points);// Import Landsat 8 brightness temperature data for 3 years. vartemps=ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T_TOA').filterBounds(points)// Filter image scenes based on the three defined locations above.filterDate('2013-01-01','2016-12-31')// Filter image scenes from 2013 to 2016.select('B11')// Select band 11 for the thermal infrared response.filterMetadata('CLOUD_COVER','less_than',40);//filter based on image cloud cover /* Create a time series chart showing surface temperature change for the three defined locations based on three years of Landsat 8 images. */vartempTimeSeries=ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(temps,points,ee.Reducer.mean(),'B11',100,'system:time_start','label').setChartType('ScatterChart')// Set the chart to be a scatter plot.setOptions({//Set options of the plottitle:'TemperatureovertimeforlocationsnearCityofSyracuse',//Set title vAxis:{title:'Temperature(Kelvin)'},//Set x axis labellineWidth:1,// Set the width of the linepointSize:4,// Set the point size for each data pointseries:{0:{color:'FF0000'},// color for City of Syracuse downtown1:{color:'00FF00'},// color for Forest in Clark Reservation2:{color:'0000FF'}// color for Water in Oneida Lake}});// Display time series chart.print(tempTimeSeries);